sword sword n. 剣, 刀. 【動詞+】 They have beaten their swords into plowshares. 剣をすきに打ち変えた (cf. Isa. 2:4, Mic. 4:3) belt on one's sword 腰に刀をつる brandish a sword (おどすように)刀を振り回す carry a s
wear 1wear n. 着用; 衣類; (衣服などの)持ち; すり切れ, 摩耗. 【動詞+】 It is made to endure constant, everyday wear. それはふだん着として毎日の着用に耐えられるように作られている They give excellent wear. それは実によくもつ minimize wear and tear
october 24: he was permitted taiken (to wear a sword ). 10月24日帯剣を許される
july 30 , taiken (to wear a sword ) was permitted 7月30日帯剣を許される
he was commonly called as tatewaki (a person allowed to wear a sword ). 通称は帯刀。
october 6: he was allowed to wear a sword . 10月6日帯剣を許される
on february 4 , 1667 , he received imperial permission to wear a sword . 寛文7年(1667年)12月22日に勅授帯剣を許された。
february 19: he was reassigned to gonchunagon , retaining the permission to wear a sword on his belt . 1月29日 (旧暦)(2月19日):権中納言に転任し、帯剣如元
october 21: his position as sakonoe-shosho ended , but he was permitted to wear a sword on his belt . 9月26日 (旧暦)(10月21日):左近衛少将を止むが、帯剣を許される
government officials (esp . one of low to medium rank ) in meryo were treated as military officer , and were allowed to wear a sword . 馬寮の官人は武官とされて帯剣を許された。
meanwhile , the udoneri guarding the emperor and the jiju , attendants of the emperor , was obliged to wear a sword . なお、天皇の側近たる侍従及び天皇の警護を行う内舎人は帯剣することを義務付けられていた。
kirisute gomen , as well as the rights to bear a surname and to wear a sword , is one of a warrior ' s privileges in the edo period . 切捨御免(きりすてごめん・斬捨御免)とは苗字帯刀と並ぶ江戸時代の武士の特権である。